Passive/Aggressive Blues
Tuesday, February 22, 2005

This is as solid and funky as new music gets. Geraint Watkins is the epitome of that oft-referenced "amalgam" of myriad influences; he leads an all-knowing group of pros through an impressive set of tasty songs on his latest disc, "Dial 'W' For Watkins."

Gen and I saw him opening for Nick the Knife last summer, and his performance was revelatory. Stationed at a behemoth modern KORG synth, Geraint yanked song after growlin' lick out of his workmanlike songbook. Nothing to look at, sensitive to the touch, and needing a shave or ten -- no matter. This album flows.

Buy it here.

Geraint sings "Go West," which should be a standard.
Geraint sings "Heroes and Villians," which comes close.
Geraint and Nick sing "Only a Rose," fucking brilliant.

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